Agricultural Mixes
High Digestibility No. 1
- Late heading grass seed mixture with very good spring growth.
Suitable for intensive grazing on dry ground where stock is turned out early.
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High Digestibility No. 1 Plus With Clover
- Late heading grass seed mixture with very good spring growth.
- Suitable for intensive grazing on dry ground where stock is turned out early.
Covers derogation.
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General Purpose Mixture No. 2
- General purpose grass seed mixture suitable for hay, silage and mixed grazing.
High quality forage mix, providing excellent growth for hay & grazing.
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Cut & Graze No. 4
- All varieties are late heading and have good conservation qualities.
- They produce a dense silage sward and very leafy after grass.
Ideal cutting time is the end of May or early June.
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High Clover Mixture No. 5
- All varieties are late heading, with a tight heading time frame for ease of sward management.
Excellent option for growing on heavy ground. Rapid root growth. Can be grazed or baled.
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Sheep Mixture No. 6
- Small leafed clover very persistent to tight grazing by sheep.
Grass seed mixture with a good early bite yet still produces high quality during the summer.
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Intensive Silage no.7
- Good Spring/Summer and Autumn growth which allows harvesting go on right through the year.
Suitable for high yielding and persistent silage grasses.
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Heavy Soil Mixture No. 8
- Good ground cover and Summer growth grasses.
Also includes Timothy which works well in cooler and heavier soils. Ideal hay mixture.
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Horse Mixture No.9
- Timothy and Creeping Red Fescue for high fibre.
Horse mixture has high ground cover Diploid grasses.
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Equine Paddock – No Ryegrass
- Equine Paddock with no ryegrass
- Has extremely good ground cover
- It is perfect for establishing new species-rich pastures
This ryegrass-free, seed blend guarantees exceptional grazing results to keep your horses healthy and happy.
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Red Clover Silage Mixture No.10
Produces quality silage with high a protein content for a 4-5 year period. With very low inputs.
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Restoration Mixture No.12
This mixture is ideal to replenish and maintain your grass sward by using the top three top tetraploid varieties in the ground cover score.
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Hay and Haylage Seed
- Mixture of diploid grasses and Timothy.
Producing a good hay suitable for horses or young stock.
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Multi Species 6 Seed Grass
Multi Species 10 Grass Seed (Multi Species Swards)
- Nitrogen fixation by legumes in the mixture.
- Greater root development.
- All done with little or no nitrogen input.
Multi species grass seed (for Multi Species Swards) is a Low nitrogen input Swards a mixture of ryegrass legumes and herbs. Increased species rich sward has been shown to increase biomass production.
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- Fast to establish.
- Leafy & vigorous growth and fast recovery from grazing.
- Does well in heavy soils.
The mix of Fodder Rape Seed & Leafy Turnip Seed have the ability to yield with several regrowth cycles.
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Riparian Margins – Acres Scheme
- It is a mix that has been designed to be planted in Riparian Buffer Zones to protect waterways by intercepting the loss of sediment and nutrients from soil surfaces. Cutting after 31st August - 1st March. No livestock allowed.
The ACRES scheme requires that riparian buffer zones/strips be established adjacent to small streams, surface drains, rivers, lakes, or ponds.
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